I'm writing with some exciting news: I'm almost there! Many of you know and if you don’t known it has been my long time dream to run in the Olympics. Fate has set London 2012 to be the year it happens as...
...I am getting in the best physical condition I have ever been in,
...... I have already PB’d (hit a personal best) in my 100, 200 and 400 meter dashes this year
.........I have a really great Olympic Development Coach Gary Cablayan (www.evosportsperformace.com)
............For the first time I have qualified for International meets that are getting me on track towards lowering my time, increasing my exposure in the track community, and putting me on the right track towards 2012.
...I am getting in the best physical condition I have ever been in,
...... I have already PB’d (hit a personal best) in my 100, 200 and 400 meter dashes this year
.........I have a really great Olympic Development Coach Gary Cablayan (www.evosportsperformace.com)
............For the first time I have qualified for International meets that are getting me on track towards lowering my time, increasing my exposure in the track community, and putting me on the right track towards 2012.
Two weeks away from my first international meets in Europe where I will be competing against some of the most elite athletes in the world, I would like to ask for your assistance in making this dream a reality.
I'll be documenting my progress on this momentous journey over the next few months at http://runmagnoliarun.blogspot.com/ and I would like to invite you to join in my adventure.
Having raised $500 over the last 2 weeks from local friends, I have been charged with matching that with another $3,000 USD by June 30th to cover all transportation cost i.e. air fare, and train tickets along with other track related necessities. I am not used to asking for assistance for things like this, but in order to enable this trip I would like to ask you to help make this dream a reality. Whether it be $1 or $1,000, any contributions are welcome and will get me that much closer to this dream.
So for those of you
...who love the olympics...
.......love the art of running...
.........or would like to help a friend achieve a lifelong dream :)
I'll be documenting my progress on this momentous journey over the next few months at http://runmagnoliarun.blogspot.com/ and I would like to invite you to join in my adventure.
Having raised $500 over the last 2 weeks from local friends, I have been charged with matching that with another $3,000 USD by June 30th to cover all transportation cost i.e. air fare, and train tickets along with other track related necessities. I am not used to asking for assistance for things like this, but in order to enable this trip I would like to ask you to help make this dream a reality. Whether it be $1 or $1,000, any contributions are welcome and will get me that much closer to this dream.
So for those of you
...who love the olympics...
.......love the art of running...
.........or would like to help a friend achieve a lifelong dream :)
It would be great if you can help out. I have set up a pay pal account that will allow you to contribute as you see fit. It is a US account, so if you are chiming in internationally, please click here to learn about the exchange rate for making transactions to the US. Regardless, all donations will be able to make the account!
Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested in donating, feel free to forward along!
This blog will chroncile my development and journey towards manifesting my dream.
Thank you, in advance for your help and support, and I look forward to updating you on our progress!
Yours truly,